Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Why go in a straight line? Triangles.
Proposition 22 of Book 1 has me thinking. It is a construction proof to build a triangle given 3 line segments such that the sum of any two segments is larger than the other (third) segment.
I'm pretty sure more or less everyone feels that "the shortest path is a line" so we ask "Let's say you see a sandwhich somewhere in the room. Why do you walk in a straight line to it (assuming there is a clear path between you and said sandwhich)?" The answer will probably be because that's the quickest/shortest/whatever way to get there. Okay, let's put a small wall between you and the sandwhich.
| You | Sandwhich |How do you get to the sandwhich now? Hopefully the students say walk in a straight line to the edge of the wall and then in another line to the sandwhich. Good. It might be interesting to ask if the path they took it shortest since it would bring up a lot of itteresting points about "shortest" beign subject to constraints. Now we make it interesting. Put students somewhere and a sandwhich somewhere else. Measure the distance between and then say "I want you to show me a path to take from where you are to the sandwhich that is (1) A feet long and (2) is made of two line segments like in the wall example". My guess is that they will come up with the isoceles triangle whose base contains the sandwhich and start point. Make it more interesting. If the path has to be A feet long what are all the different paths you can take? Maybe to push them in the right direction give them string and a measuring tape and split up the groups with half at the start point and the other at the sandwhich.
The interesting idea for me is that you can do all this with their intuitive notion that straight is shortest. The legs of the triangles have to add up to more because otherwise that notion would be wrong. Also, the discovery process for the harder question is similar enough to the proof construction that going through the formal proof will illustrate how in mathematics exploration and proof are complimentary pursuits.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Exeter and Park Curricula: HS Moore Method?
My first impression is that they are similar to the Moore Method with a crucial distinction. For the unfamiliar, the Moore Method is a teaching style which emphasizes having students prove theorems from a given set of axioms and present and presenting their results in class. The Exeter and Park Curricula seem to differ in that they don't propose any axioms or framework for the students to operate in. Instead, they seem to "front load" the conceptual work by having the students propose a "framework" in which to work (with gentle prodding and guidance from the teacher?). My guess is this is meant to avoid issues students have with axioms, new concepts, etc.--justifying and understanding why they are using the axioms or concepts since the student has already done that by proposing them! That seems to be the idea anyway.
The way the course is conducted varies from instructor to instructor, but the content of the course is usually presented in whole or in part by the students themselves. Instead of using a textbook, the students are given a list of definitions and theorems which they are to prove and present in class, leading them through the subject material.More Moore Method:
I do not consider it important in using the Moore method whether one lectures a lot, a little or none at all. It is important that there be regular interaction with the students so that the instructor knows how well the students understand the material. It is also important that they be given challenging problems, be motivated to work on them and to want to report their progress.My undergraduate topology course was more or less a Moore class. It was an interesting opportunity to learn about something mathematically useless while developing real mathematical skills proving theorems and formulating conjectures. The course developed a topology on sequences using a modified lexicographical order for containment of sets and truncation and concatenation for set operations. Lesson learned: while the content might not have been "mathematically" worthy the experience and process itself justified the approach.
Purported as Opposed to Actual Goals
I will be teaching Geometry, a class I've never taught before, and Pre-Calculus, a class which I have taught and TAed at a University many times before. I've been thinking about their relation to each other. Until recently, I had been of the mind that there is an obvious paradigm shift from Geometry to Pre-Calc but I am reconsidering my position. First, my copy of the Elements came bundled with several works by Apollonius of Perga on conics. So while I was reading, I was sort of primed to notice that Proposition 7 of Book I in the Elements more or less lays the groundwork for the idea that ellipses are well defined. This has me thinking that Pre-Calc probably naturally evolved from a classical class on conic sections to a modern class on basic function theory (transformations, symmetry, etc.). Motivate the modern material, functions, by classical questions about more advanced geometry concepts, conic sections. But thinking back on my high school math classes, I definitely did not get this impression. I never even thought about it in this way until now. Thoughts?
I have also had the interesting idea that it sort of explains why matrices are covered at the end of Pre-Calc. Geometry can be rigorously developed with linear algebra. Solving simultaneous equations is basically Gaussian elimination which gives us information about linear independence which tells us about co-linearity of points, orthogonality, etc. I don't think it's developed in that light though.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
High School Geometry!
At first, the best preparation I could think of was reading my old high school geometry text book and Euclid's Elements then I realized how vastly different they were. Euclid rarely dealt with the length of lines since he held himself to using an unmarked straight edge. The concept of measurement/number doesn't really appear until Book IX/X or so. He didn't measure angles. In fact, the only angles specifically named are right angles. Those two differences are huge.
I enjoy reading The Elements and working out the proofs. They are amazing demonstrations of constructive proofs! I don't really enjoy reading the high school text book but I can appreciate why there is a modern text book. The proofs, which are pleasingly elegant and logically organized, are also esoteric. They are probably hard to follow and boring to someone who hasn't studied advanced math, like high schoolers. This thought hits home even harder when I realize that the most educated of Greeks probably finished with studying The Elements. They had also probably studied Biology, Physics, Philosophy, Logic and Rhetoric before even setting out to work through it.
If Euclid isn't going to be my model, I am going to have to rethink my approach. Here are several books that I am reading to figure out what I should cover and how: Geometry in a Modern Setting, Designing Learning Environments for Developing Understanding of Geometry, Perspectives on the Teaching of Geometry for the 21st Century, Learning and Teaching Geometry, K-12. 1987 Yearbook and Geometry in the Mathematics Curriculum.